viernes, 25 de mayo de 2012

The democracy

The democracy is the word which everybody knows, this means: the freedom of the people, the free opinion, the respect, the tolerance... In Spain started an appease revolution, people go out for say his opinion about the government but they don't want listening our opinion. We are disagree with a lot of things of our society (the laws, the political, the unemployment...), the days before the election people go out to the most important squares where the government work and say they opinion; but the government said : NO! And the police started to expulse the people of the squares. Today a lot of appease people been out of the square because they want to put in the square a big screen for the TV because people can see the football.

The people of Spain can't say anything because after they have problems. The free opinion is a illusion, the work is an illusion, the laws are horrible and don't help the people (anti-smoking, SINDE...) the moral is an utopia.

I'm disgust with the government because they don't listen the village, they don't stop the economy crisis, the unemployment doesn’t stop, the government have different name but do the same things and all the time insult the other. The students aren't going to have a future because the register is so expensive...

I believe in peace, dreams, the democracy, the human rights... but now this thought are a utopia. Peace is impossible because in a lot of countries are wars (for the economy, the democracy, the terrorism...), the dreams in our days don't have a big mean; the democracy is horrible, people can't say his opinion without problems, the USA usually stay in a lot of problems which him don't have to stay (but she stay for the economy), she kill man without a international judgment.... the humans rights in a lot of countries are impossible, our wars attacks the innocence people....

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